やちむん 陶眞窯 飯碗 いっちん Yachimun Rice Bowl Itchin #344
やちむん・陶眞窯 飯椀いっちん
[Yachimun]Rice Bowl 'Itchin'
サイズ/Size: 約直径φ 12.5cm / 高さH 6.3cm
満水容量/Full capacity: 約280ml
重さ/Weight: 約190~240g (0.49lbs)
The size is a guide. Please note that there are individual differences due to handwork.
土の質感を感じる薄茶色の土台に、生クリームのように立体的な白の唐草が描かれ、素朴ながら華やかな雰囲気。内側には底と縁部分のみに控えめな装飾がなされ、ご飯を入れた時にチラりと縁の飾りが見える仕組み♡ 毎食、ご飯の時間が待ち遠しくなりそうです♬
電子レンジ/Microwave: ×
オーブン/Oven: ×
食器洗浄機/Dishwasher: ×
What you need to know before purchasing
Each item is made by hand, so there are individual differences in shape, size and color etc. There may be distortion of shape, uneven color, dripping and pinholes of glaze, however there are lovable personality not found in mass-produced products. Please enjoy the unique taste of handwork.
なら 手数料無料で 月々¥660から