波佐見焼 箸置き ネコ Hasami-yaki Chopstick rest Cat #372
波佐見焼 箸置き ネコ
[Mashiko-yaki] Chopstick rest 'Cat'
サイズ/Size:横W 2.5cm / 縦D 5.5cm / 高さH 1.0cm
重さ/Weight: 15g (0.03bs)
The size is a guide. Please note that there are individual differences due to handwork.
猫のうしろ姿がモチーフの波佐見焼の箸置き。コロンとした胴体としっぽのフォルムが、何ともチャーミングで、猫好きにはたまりません♡ 三毛猫や黒猫など、5柄から選べるのも嬉しいです♪ 猫好きさんへのプレゼントにも、ぜひ。
食器洗浄機/Dishwasher: 〇
What you need to know before purchasing
Each item is made by hand, so there are individual differences in shape, size and color etc. There may be distortion of shape, uneven color, dripping and pinholes of glaze, however there are lovable personality not found in mass-produced products. Please enjoy the unique taste of handwork.
なら 手数料無料で 月々¥220から